Aims and Objective
2022 Muhammad Ali Jinnah University International Conference on Computing (MAJICC’22) is the 2nd International Conference which is a joint effort of Mohammad Ali Jinnah University and IEEE. The goal of MAJICC’22 is to bring together renowned scientists and leading researchers from academia and industry at one platform with the focus of exchanging ideas on modern computing innovations, AI and Data Science, Data Preprocessing, Computer Networks and Security, Software Engineering, Data Mining, Data Management, Data Security and advancements in the field of General Computing.
The research papers presenting innovative practices, result oriented frameworks, systems, tools and techniques and good general survey papers demonstrating future directions are also encouraged. Research papers depicting novel work are invited in any of the conference areas listed. Research paper will be reviewed based on the originality, quality and relevance to the scope of MAJICC’22. MAJICC’22 reviewers include national and international computer scientists, professionals from industry and world-renowned Academicians. Accepted research papers will be indexed at the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
With the mission to provide the premier forum for advancement, education, and adoption of the latest research trends and “technology” from all types of fields in computers and networks of computers in Pakistan and following the footsteps of many educational institutions around the world, MAJU is proud to announce the “IEEE – Mohammad Ali Jinnah university International Conference on Computing”, where renowned experts will share the stage provided by MAJU to illuminate the minds of up-and-coming cutting edge research and application of computer science, with their knowledge of the field, in an effort to jump start the software industry in Pakistan
Conference Areas
The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas.
AI and Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Semantic Web
- Social Networking Analysis
- Human Computer Interaction
Computer Networks and Security
- Networks
- IoT
- Security
Software Engineering
- Software Defect Prediction
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Mining Software Repositories
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Software Effort Estimation
- Requirement Engineering
- Programming Languages & Paradigms
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operating Systems
- Theory of Computation

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