Q1. Which link should I use to submit my research paper?
A. Please use the following CMT3 link for submission.
Q2. Should I submit my research paper without my name?
A. Yes please, since we are following double-blind procedure for our submissions. A double-blind study is one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. This procedure is utilized to prevent bias in research results.
Q3. What is the next step after my submission?
A. Your paper will be reviewed by our reviewer’s panel. Following are the expected outcomes:
- Accepted with minor changes (In this case, you will be asked to resubmit with the minor changes recommended by our reviewers).
- Accepted with major changes (In this case, you will be asked to resubmit with the major changes recommended by our reviewers).
- Reject.
Q4. When should we do the registration?
A. Once your paper is accepted and you receive an official email from the MAJICC Program Committee. You need to do the registration process as described in the Registration section. Please follow the deadline to avoid any inconvenience.
Q5. What is Camera Ready submission?
A. After the notification of accepted or rejected Papers have been sent, the Authors of accepted Papers will get an email from the Chair instructing them to upload the camera-ready file; ready to print for the conference.
All final camera-ready versions must be prepared in English and with a maximum page limit of six (6) pages (10-points font, Letter size IEEE style). Standard IEEE conference paper templates for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word can be found at : https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
All final camera-ready versions must be prepared in English and with a maximum page limit of six (6) pages (10-points font, Letter size IEEE style). Standard IEEE conference paper templates for both LaTeX and Microsoft Word can be found at : https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Q6. How much time will it take to publish on IEEE Xplore Digital Library?
A. Conference publications: Content appears in IEEE Xplore about 30-60 days following IEEE’s receipt of the printed conference proceeding. Please note that conference publications often arrive at IEEE several weeks after the conference date.
Q7. Which Template should we use for IEEE conference paper?
A. Following is the link of IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings:

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