Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Conference on Informatics and Computing 2022 (MAJICC’22) is a conference for sharing knowledge about cutting edge research and applications of computer science. The conference will bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to exchange their knowledge and discuss challenges and goals for computer science and related fields.
The program of the conference will consist of paper presentations, poster presentations, system exhibition, doctoral colloquium, and invited talks. The theme of the conference is “Artificial Intelligence & Data Science”.
The conference will be held online as well as on physical mode.
Research Papers:
Full papers describing completed or on-going research or development in the field of Computer Science. Papers are to be submitted in pdf format, no more than six pages in length excluding references. Please follow the given IEEE research paper template (Word, Latex) for the the submission. The review process will be double-blind, so authors are requested NOT to provide any names or contact details on the submitted paper.
Submission for following categories are welcome:
List of Topics
Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
AI and Data Science
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Computer Vision
- Semantic Web
- Social Networking Analysis
- Human Computer Interaction
Computer Networks and Security
- Networks
- IoT
- Security
Software Engineering
- Software Defect Prediction
- Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Mining Software Repositories
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Software Effort Estimation
- Requirement Engineering
- Programming Languages & Paradigms
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Operating Systems
- Theory of Computation
Papers are to be submitted in pdf format, no more than six pages in length excluding references. Please follow the given template for the the submission i.e.Word Template, Latex Template
The review process will be double-blind, so authors are requested NOT to provide any names or contact details on the submitted paper. Author can only be submit through CMT3 to submit their papers, link will be updated soon.
Doctoral Colloquium
An opportunity for PhD scholars to present their doctoral thesis work and to interact with their colleagues as well as senior researchers and academia.
The doctoral scholars should submit 2 page extended abstract (+ additional pages for references) describing thesis work and its current status.
Paper Submission Date :
14th August,2022 28th August,2022
15th September 2022

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